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Thursday, 23 February 2012

What is SQL ,SQL Injection and what an attacker can do , Data Base and types of Data Base?

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What is SQL?

SQL (pronounced "ess-que-el") stands for Structured Query Language. SQL is a tool for organizing, managing, and retrieving data stored by a computer
database. The name "SQL" is an abbreviation for Structured Query Language. For
historical reasons, SQL is usually pronounced "sequel," but the alternate pronunciation
"S.Q.L." is also used. As the name implies, SQL is a computer language that you use to
interact with a database. In fact, SQL works with one specific type of database, called a
relational database.

Simple Basic Queries for SQL:

Select * from table_name :
this statement is used for showing the content of tables including column name.
For eg:
select * from users;

Insert into table_name(column_names,...) values(corresponding values for columns):
For inserting data to table.
For eg:
insert into users(username,userid) values("BreakTheSec","break");

I will give more detail and query in my next thread about the SQL QUERY.

What is SQL Injection?
SQL injection is Common and famous method of hacking at present . Using this method an unauthorized person can access the database of the website. Attacker can get all details from the Database.

What an attacker can do?

* ByPassing Logins
* Accessing secret data
* Modifying contents of website
* Shutting down the My SQL server.

What is Database

A database can be thought of as a set of logically related files organized to facilitate access by one or more applications programs and to minimize data redundancy. This concept does not imply that all data relating to a company’s business should be contained on a single database, but simply that all records in a database should be related and that redundant data should be minimized.

Some List of Database are:

* DB servers,
* MySQL(Open source),
* Oracle,
* Postgre SQL(open source),
* SQLite.

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