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Thursday 8 September 2011

Ways your site get's infected/hacked and measure's to secure it..

Follow Hackers Spot

I'm writting this article because there are lot of miscellaneous user's or black hat hacker's working out. They are trying to hack your website and this is the truth that there is no security in the world, for what if someone get access into your website and your website got hacked....
If your site got hacked so, now the time to track and find the way that the hacker used to got in.
How To Know That The Site Has Been Hacked

  • In most of the case hacker upload their deface page.
  • The search engine says that you run an attack site.
  • Look either the email has been sent from your account.
  • Anti-virus and antimalware said that your web used for phishing.


Ways That An Account Get Infected

There are main two ways to hack a website admin account.
  • You are running an insecure and old script on your website and softwares are not patched well.
  • Your computer has been hacked by any means and the attacker steal your website information from your own computer.

Protect Your WebSite
  • Shutdown your website
  • In the Webmaster Tools, use the URL removal tool to remove any hacked pages.
  • If you have any kind of access into your website than change the passwords including email,ftp and cpanel etc.
  • Change the old script and try to find out your other weakness.
  • Be keeping your files up to date and update all the softwares running on the website patched it to prevent future attack.

1 comment:

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