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Monday, 29 August 2011

Follow Hackers Spot

To hide the Blogger Navbar :

1- Log in to blogger

2- On your Dashboard, select Layout. This will take you to the Template tab. Click Edit HTML. Under the Edit Template section you will see you blog's HTML.

3- paste the CSS definition in the top of the template code:   like this..  be sure that the code should be pasted after blogger template style as shown below..!!

Blogger Template Style
Name:     Rounders
Designer: Douglas Bowman
URL:      www.stopdesign.com
Date:     27 Feb 2004
Updated by: Blogger Team
----------------------------------------------- */
#navbar-iframe {
   display: none !important;
/* Variable definitions
   <Variable name="mainBgColor" description="Main Background Color"
             type="color" default="#fff" value="#ffffff">
   <Variable name="mainTextColor" description="Text Color" type="color"
             default="#333" value="#333333">

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Trick for Advanced SQL Injection : Havij

Follow Hackers Spot

Trick for Advanced SQL Injection : Havij hy frnds .once again...Befor I give you a complete layout of how to do Advanced Sql injection on vulnerable website I recommend you to that this post is only for educational purpose..
Well to make the Sql injection easier for you I would be using a tool Havij.Its has both a free version and and a paid version.In this tutorial I will be demonstrating how to use the free version of Havij.The success rate for this tool is more then 94% on the vulnerable website.
It is automated tool for SQL injection for penetration testers to check whether a website is vulnerable to SQL injection or not.All you need to do is to enter the URL of the site that you want to test for the vulnerability and click on ANALYZE button.It will automatically scan the website for Sql Injection.
Below Is the Download link For Havij
Here Are the Features of Havij
  • Supported Databases with injection methods:
    a. MsSQL 2000/2005 with error
    b. MsSQL 2000/2005 no error (union based)
    c. MySQL (union based)
    d. MySQL Blind
    e. MySQL error based
    f. Oracle (union based)
    g. MsAccess (union based)
  • Automatic database detection
  • Automatic type detection (string or integer)
  • Automatic keyword detection (finding difference between the positive and negative response)
  • Trying different injection syntaxes
  • Proxy support
  • Real time result
  • Options for replacing space by /**/,+,… against IDS or filters
  • Avoid using strings (magic_quotes similar filters bypass)
  • Bypassing illegal union
  • Full customizable http headers (like referer and user agent)
  • Load cookie from site for authentication
  • Guessing tables and columns in mysql<5 (also in blind) and MsAccess
  • Fast getting tables and columns for mysql
  • Multi thread Admin page finder
  • Multi thread Online MD5 cracker
  • Getting DBMS Informations
  • Getting tables, columns and data
  • Command executation (mssql only)
  • Reading system files (mysql only)
  • Insert/update/delete data
What Havij can do for you ?
By using this software user can perform back-end database fingerprint, retrieve DBMS users and  password hashes, dump tables and columns, fetching data from the database, running SQL  statements and even accessing the underlying file system and executing commands on the  operating system.
main 272x300 Trick for Advanced SQL Injection : Havij
How to Find A vulnerable website
Go to google homepage and search for inurl:php?id=
You will get probably thousands of result.Now open any page and add a apostrophe ( )to the end of the url.Example if the Url was http://www.mytargetsite.com/php?id=34 it should be now http://www.mytargetsite.com/php?id=34
If you get a SQL syntax error then this website can be vulnerable to SQL injection.Now you should use Havij on this URL.I'm Pasting some of the sites here but some of them u have to convert it into sql server,like i have done above..
Some Sql PHP are:-  http://www.sdpd.org.pk/news_de?tail.php?ID=82



NOTE:This tutorial is for only educational and testing purposes.In some countries SQL injection is an offence.

How to Use Google+Facebook...!!!

Follow Hackers Spot

Have you moved to Google+ but  don’t want to loose touch with facebook and Twitter.In one of my earlier post’s I gave you the trick to integrate Google+ and Facebook using  Google+Facebook extension. With a new Google Chrome addon Gooce+ you can integrate Facebook,Twitter and Linkedin with your Google+ Accounts.
  1. Google Chrome web browser
  2. Gooce+ (Google Chrome extension)
Trick integrate various social networking site in google+
  • Open your Google Chrome web browser and click here to get the Gooce+ extension.
  • Now Click on Add to chrome button.
  • Click on Continue button (at the left bottom of your screen) and then click on install button.
  • Now login to your Google+ Account.
  • Here you will see Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin icons in your Google+ homepage.
18 Trick to Integrate Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin in Google+
  • Click on any of the icon that you want to access at that time in Google+. E.g If you want to Log in into Facebook from Google+.
  • Click on the Facebook Icon and then click on Sign with Facebook button.
  • Enter your Facebook login details in new popup window.
  • After login it will Request For Permissions . Click on the Allow button.
  • gooce+ Trick to Integrate Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin in Google+
  • That’s it. Now you can update you Facebook status, likes and can do comments .
If you are getting any kind of problem like 404 Error after clicking on the Allow button then don’t panic. Go to your Google+ homepage again and click on the Facebook icon and you will see your Facebook wall on your screen in Google+.

Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Windows vs Linux Software Comparison/Learn Linux Ubuntu

Follow Hackers Spot

S. No.SoftwareLinuxWindows
1Office UtilityOpenOfficeMS Office
2Text EditorGeditNotepad
3Torrent ClientBittorrentUtorrent
4Media PlayerTotemWindow Media Player
5Command LineTerminalCommand Prompt
6Add & Remove SoftwareAdd/Remove ApplicationsAdd or Remove Programs
8Email ClientEvolutionOutlook
Linux Administration: A Beginner's Guide, Fifth EditionLinux Administration Handbook (2nd Edition)Beginning Linux Programming
9Chat ClientPidginPidgin, Gtalk, Yahoo! Messenger
10CD/DVD BurningGnomeBakerNero
11Programming ToolNetBeans, EclipseNetBeans, Eclipse
12Video ConferencingEkigaNetmeeting
13Paint ProgramTux PaintMS Paint
14Graphics Editing ProgramGIMPAdobe Photoshop
15FirewallUFW (Uncomplicated firewall)Windows Firewall
16File Archieve(compress)PeaZipWinzip, Winrar, 7-Zip
17AntivirusAvastNortan, Avira, Avast

Monday, 8 August 2011

Some Very Use3ful Windows Xp Programme List..$$

Follow Hackers Spot

There are so many functionality in xp such that microsoft does not require to put some functionality into the start menu or place any shortcut anywhere. it is not that they are not useful, they are useful but are used mostly by computer professional for troubleshooting because a normal user may damage system by using it(low knowledge).
they can be run by typing into the run(win +r).

Some Hidden Programs:-

1)Character Map
Type "charmap"
used for finding unusual characters.

2)Dr Watson
Type "drwtsn32"
It is a debugger used for Troubleshooting purpose.

3)Private character editor

Type "eudcedit"
It is used for creation and modification of characters.

4)Disk Cleanup
Type "cleanmgr"
It is used for getting free space by removing unused file.

5)Clipboard Viewer

Type "clipbrd"
Used to view data present on the clip board.

6)Group Editor
Type "gpedit.msc"
used to manage group policies, and permissions

7)System configuration
Type "msconfig"
Used to see and change the start up program(System programs + Application program).

8)Registry Editor
Type "regedit"
Used to change and see the settings of System application as well as Software application.

9)System Monitor
Type "perfmon"
Very important tool for knowing anything i.e., every type of resources whether it is software or hardware.

10)Network shared folder wizard
Type "shrpubw"
Used for creating shared folder over the network(workgroup/Lan).

11)File siganture verification tool
Type "sigverif"
Used to maintain the integrity of your system It will detect if any of the critical file is changed.
for example delete or rename your logoff.exe file in system32 folder it will automatically changed it back.

12) Microsoft Telnet Client
Type "telnet"
Used to connect any remote computer for file sharing.

13)Driver Verifier Manager
Type "verifier"
Used to monitor your drivers it is useful if any of the driver is creating problem.

14)Windows for Workgroups Chat
Type "winchat"
Used to chat over the workgroup/lan.
15)Check Disk Utility
Type "chkdsk :" //command line

Used to check any disk error on drives.

16)Computer Management
Type "compmgmt.msc"
it is the most important application as for as computer administrator is concerned because this contain all the feature that a computer expert need for troubleshooting.
Follow Hackers Spot

First and The Most effective way to increase speed is using Vuze instead of any other torrent client.
Other Ways:-
There are some Setting in torrent Client that you need to change to Increase your download Speed. Some of the setting(with value) are listed below.

  • Torrent Download and upload Speed:-
    1. Go to Options > Preferences in your utorrent Client.
    2. Click Bandwidth option as shown below.
      Utorrent preference window setting
    3. Here put zero for both max. upload rate and max. download rate.
  • Port:-
    1. Go to connection option from the same window as shown above.
      change port on utorrent using connection in preference
    2. Press random Port option as shown above to change your port.
      The concept behind changing port is that sometimes your isp may block your torrent ports(active torrents port) so it is good to change your port at regular interval.

@How to Use Ur Computer Hard Disk Nd Pendrive as Ram to Speed Up your Computer.~!!!

Follow Hackers Spot

             PC requirement of
RAM is huge and because ram is very expensive memory so we try to minimize it by either using Hard Disk or PenDrive as RAM. Thou using hard disk and pen drive as RAM is very economical option but they are not as fast as the actual ram is so the ram space which is created through these opteration are used to store data of applications that are not currently active that is which have been stopped ,not closed but which we are not using currently.
           Among the two type of external ram, pen drive is faster one because pen drive is created using much faster disk technology then hard disk.

How to use Hard Disk as RAM:-

  1.  Goto "My Computer"
  2. Now Right Click on Blank Space in My Computer or simply Right Click on My Computer Icon
  3. Now on right click menu that appears Left Click on  Property
  4. Now new windows will pop up here. if you are using XP then goto Advanced Tab and if you are using Higher Version then Goto Advanced System Setting option on the right in the window that appeared and then Goto Advanced Tab of the next window.
  5. here you can see number of Setting Button, click the setting button which is under performance section
  6. now in the window that appeared Goto Advanced Tab
  7. now in Virtual Memory Section you can see the currently allocated space and if you feel it is not present or used in less amount then click on the change button and increase the value in the window that appears

    Note:- you can also see the below figure if you have any doubts
by Ankit--

How To Change/Spoof IP and Mac Address.........

Follow Hackers Spot

MAC Address(media access control) is the unique Code/Name given to your LAN card that differentiate your computer from any other computer on the internet. mac address sometime also called as Ethernet Hardware Address. Now the question arises if the mac address is unique then how can we change it?
The answer to this question is very simple, the exact address is only known to your Operating System(windows xp) because this is the one who actually interact with hardware And operating system provide allow us to change this address that's why we are able to change our mac address[mac address can not overwritted it can only be spoofed].

  1. Open Network connections from Control Panel.
  2. right click the connection (of which you want to change mac address).
  3. Click Property.
  4. Now the window will appear as shown below in here click configure...
    change mac address from local area connection property
  5. Now a window will appear in here click Advanced Tab.
  6. In here in Property click Network address.
    change network address in advanced tab to change mac  address
  7. Now in the combo box that appear write the mac address that you want to spoof.
  8. Your mac address now is been spoofed 
But Remember it is not "Permanent" so don't try to do illegal acts through it..!!

Friday, 5 August 2011

How To Get Old Facebook Chat Instead Of New One

Follow Hackers Spot
a : First Download this script

b : Now accept its terms & install that script.

c : Restart firefox.

d : Now You've got old chatbox in facebook back!

- Shows ALL online/idle friends
- Shows ONLY online/idle friends (Doesn't show offline friends) 
- Orders friends by first name 
- Groups friends by online and idle. 
- Shows total number of online/idle friends when chat bar is open and closed. 
- Chat bar adjusts in size based on how many friends you have online. 
- Chat bar closes when it loses focus to stay out of your way. 
- Does not realign the page when chat opens 
- Header to the top of chat that closes the menu when clicked. 
- Works for both HTTP and HTTPS 
- Searching friends is still possible. 
- Going online/offline is still possible. 
- Keep the list of online friends on the left hand side of the page always visible even when the chat dialog opens. 
- Adds "View Profile" link to the cog menu in each chat window to easily view the profile of the person you are talking to.

Browser Support:
- Full support for Firefox & Google Chrome
- Unknown support for Safari and Opera

So friends, I hope now you get the old Facebook Chat instead of new on. I have tried this trick and it is working perfect for me.

Got problems in using this trick to get the old Facebook Chat instead of new one??? Please mention it in comments. I will help you.


Wednesday, 3 August 2011

Follow Hackers Spot

Invisible side of a web site-See what web sites hide from you

You may know that every website has a fill called robots.txt in it's root. This file allows or disallows the search engines to report that results to you that the website owner don't want to tell you about. BUT do you know that still you can view these results by typing /robots.txt after the website address.
for ex. if you want to know what Microsoft hides from you just type www.microsoft.com/robots.txt and you will find the list of directories that bill gates want to hide from you.


Follow Hackers Spot


If you were having less than 512mb ram then you must always be wondering why firefox uses such a large amount of RAM. Well to limit firefox to it's RAM usage you can do the following trick:

Type about:config in the address bar
Now do the following:
  1. In the Filter text box, at the top of the page, type browser.cache.
  2. Double-click the "browser.cache.memory.capacity" entry.
  3. The default is 50000. If you don't have a lot of memory on your system, for example, between 512MB and 1GB, change the number to 15000 and click OK.
And now you can easily run any other application with firefox.